Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The Feast Day of George Herbert -February 27.


Today is the feast day of George Herbert - 1593-1633 - one of my favorite poets.  At the link is a good write up about him.  His poem Unkindness is one that convicts me every single time I read and ponder it..

More about George Herbert


Lord, make me coy and tender to offend:

In friendship, first I think, if that agree,

Which I intend,

Unto my friends intent and end.

I would not use a friend, as I use Thee.

If any touch my friend, or his good name,

It is my honour and my love to free

His blasted fame

From the least spot or thought of blame.

I could not use a friend, as I use Thee.

My friend may spit upon my curious floor:

Would he have gold? I lend it instantly;

But let the poore,

And thou within them, starve at doore.

I cannot use a friend, as I use Thee.

When that my friend pretendeth to a place,

I quit my interest, and leave it free:

But when thy grace

Sues for my heart, I thee displace,

Nor would I use a friend, as I use Thee.

Yet can a friend what thou hast done fulfill?

O write in brasse, My God upon a tree

His bloud did spill

Onely to purchase my good-will.

Yet use I not my foes, as I use Thee.

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