Saturday, February 5, 2022

What is WRONG with People?


Image by Eloise Schnieder

How many times in the past two years have you said to yourself or someone near and dear, "What is WRONG with people?" I surely have noticed tempers fraying and people behaving poorly. 

 Today I am pondering a paragraph - really a phrase-  from an editorial which gets at this.  Here is the paragraph. 

" A social coarsening has taken place. People die without funerals or in-person memorials even now because of infection fear. Isolation has become its own pandemic. Untended friendships have eroded. Much of the country is now divided between mask dissenters and mask wardens."  

Wall St. Journal - "End the Covid Panic Now" Daniel Henninger - Feb. 2, 2022..

It's the phrase "social coarsening" that caught my attention.  How in the world can we reverse that?