Saturday, October 22, 2022

Max and the Marines

    Earlier this week, John and I traveled to Jacksonville, NC to drop off our son Maxim at Camp Geiger (part of Camp Lejune).  He completed boot camp at Parris Island, had some days of liberty (probably too many), and was reporting to the School of Infantry where he will be for nine weeks. 
    Max had been searching for a life focus for a number of years and feels like he has found a home in the Marines.   He is a changed young man who now has direction, drive, and discipline.  We are so thankful for that.   Of course, we worry that he may end up in the middle of World War III, but know that, because of his training, he will have a better shot at surviving it than most of us.  We are praying for him and ask for your prayers too - for strength, for perseverance, for safety and that he may guard his integrity.  Thank you.


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